Wednesday, January 30, 2013

San Jose Travel - California

The city of San Jose is the 3rd biggest city in the state of California.  It ranks 10th biggest city in the entire US.  San Jose California is known as the central hub of Silicon Valley.

The popular tourist attractions in San Jose are the following:

a. Museums

1.  The San Jose Museum of Art (SJMA) - SJMA offers free admission to the public.  It displays excellent works of art particularly modern artworks.  It is situated in the Silicon Valley. This museum has displays of artistic excellence.

2. San Jose Museum of Quilt & Textile - a museum established in 1977 by Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association.  in 1977.  The goal of the museum is to advance the use of quilts and textiles in arts and crafts.

3. Tech Museum of Innovation - the museum supports technological creations by ordinary people.  It stresses the importance of technology in man's life.  It features the internet and the human body.  It holds an annual competition for student innovative designs called the Tech Challenge.  They also hand out the Tech Museum Awards which recognize people who advances the cause of technology to benefit humans.

4. Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose - the museum focuses on children and families.  They provide educational programs for children. They intend to develop the child's latent talent and skills.

5. Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - This has the biggest collection of Egyptian artifacts in western North America.

b. Winchester Mystery House - The Winchester Mystery House is a Victorian-inspired house known for its grandeur and oddity.  The mystery as to why the house is eerily odd remains unsolved.  You can see staircase leading to nowhere. Or, a staircase that descends for 7 steps and then rises for 11.
A number of people surmised that Mrs. Winchester wanted to befriend the “good spirits” and lose the “bad” ones.  The house at one had 500 to 600 rooms but the constant renovations made to it reduced the number to 160 rooms.

c. Raging Waters - this is the largest waterpark in Northern California. It has an area of 23 acres with various family rides and recreational facilities fit for families.

d. Happy Hallow Park and Zoo - this is a park that provides recreational fun in an eco friendly atmosphere.

e. Mexican Heritage Plaza - this is a cultural arts facility that provides gardens, theaters, art gallery and as a venue for art performances.

In the city of San Jose, being the hub of Silicon Valley, you will experience how technology interacts with tradition.  The various technological marvels you will see at this place is tempered by its preservation of tradition.  The city is a place like no other.

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