Thursday, June 4, 2009

Niche Dating Sites are Growing Steadily Compared to Mainstream

Niche dating sites surprisingly outperform their mainstream counterparts. In a recent study conducted by Hitwise to determine the market share of online dating sites, niche dating sites such as gay dating sites and religious dating sites are gaining more popularity and growing faster than the mainstream counterparts such as exemplified by the top 5 dating sites – Singlesnet, Plentyoffish, True, Yahoo Personals and Match.

In March 2007, the top 5 dating sites logged in a market share of 83.33%. In March 2008, their market share dropped to 77.30% or 7% lesser. The numbers don't lie. For instance, gay dating sites' market in March 2007 was pegged at 7.81%. In March 2008, it grew to 12.03% of the market share. Same thing with African American at 5.26% (2007) and 6.01% (2008). Religion dating sites logged 1.51% and 2.55%. Asian dating sites 1.53% and 1.55%; Latino at 0.56% and 0.57% respectively.

From these data, it can be gleaned that online daters are now shifting to more specific dating sites. People are looking to date someone who have similar interests. Hence, the growing demand for niche dating sites.

Casual dating sites such as Fling and AdultFriendFinder, although the do not particularly fit into the 'niche' profile because of sheer size of this market, also see steady growth by .07%. Adam Small from SexSearch defines casual dating market as “anyone over the age of 21 who is interested in sex, which is almost everybody.”

Marketing in focused niche dating sites are also easier compared to mainstream. Members of these dating sites are already identified into specific groups like Christians for Christian dating sites or Latinos or African-Americans.

All dating sites however share one similar distinct advantage. Like the immensely Facebook and Myspace, members have encoded personal information in their profiles. As traffic grows, so do the opportunities for social media marketing in these online dating sites. Advertisers can easily target their specific markets with either niche or mainstream dating sites.

Impact of Computer Technology

Computer technology was virtually unknown years ago. Yet, in so short a span of time, it has managed to change our lives and the way we live. Life before the computer was slow, time-consuming and limited. With the computer technology, the opportunities for personal and professional improvement are limitless. Internet has transformed the way 21st century people communicate and consequently, the way we live.

The internet is probably the most important innovation in the field of communication. It affected not only how we communicate but also in conducting our day-to-day affairs. It offers various services and resources literally at the tip of our fingertips.

1. Communication. Internet, being first and foremost, a tool of communication has certainly made contact with others easier and faster. Communication is done through emails, instant messaging or voice over internet protocol which allows one to actually call the person.
2. Faster access to information. One click of the mouse and all sorts of information come out using the search engine. We can access weather forecasts, news and celebrity gossips in seconds online.
3. Business Transactions. Transacting business online like paying bills, depositing cash, checking credit card balance, etc. Bank statements can be accessed online too.
4. Shopping. Shopping online is the usual mode of buying now. All kinds of products and stores are available online. Travel time to get to the supermarket is effectively eliminated. Shopping can be done entirely at the convenience of home.
5. Research Tool. Surf for information or to research online. Assignments, thesis, book reviews – all kinds of research information you need are available through the internet.
6. Education. One can take virtual college classes. There is no need to travel to school, be in the classroom, participate in discussions, etc.
7. Recreation. Downloading movies or music or even games through the internet is fast becoming the form of recreation these days. Some of these are available for free.
8. Meeting People. We can meet people from all parts of the world and all walks of life through the internet. You can chat to someone from another part of the world without having to leave your room. The webcam and voip (voice over internet protocol) could enable you to actually see and hear the person you are chatting to.

Computer technology has its advantages and disadvantages depending on its use. The following are some activities done using computer technology:

1. Invasion of Privacy. Computer technology came about as an open research tool. Thus, it is understandable that privacy was never its original intention. This is ironic because computer technology particularly the net actually offers a lot of anonymity. Most of the users say or do something that they will not really do or say in the real world. This is because the net allows individuals to be more adventurous and courageous being unable to talk to the person face to face.

Problems arise when it comes to online privacy when acts of crimes are committed. For instance, a hacker posted thousands of credit card numbers stolen from a website. He offered to share the information for only $1.

2. Invisible Information Gathering

This is another disadvantage to computer technology which is seen as a form of invasion to privacy. An example of invisible information gathering is web companies collecting data for marketing purposes. Complaints about abuse of information are not really that rampant but the fear comes from the misuse or carelessness in handling personal data which could lead to privacy invasion.

Microsoft and Intel were forced to avoid using features that would track their customers. RealNetWorks, a maker of video software, was accused of commanding its programs to phone home then reports on users’ habits of surfing to them. Mattel Interactive embedded phone home software “Broadcast” in Reader Rabbit software. Surf Monkey which prevents children from accessing porn sites also forwards the IP addresses of users to its maker.

DoubleClick Inc. tracks users anonymously. They were sued because it planned to reveal web users’ identities to compete in real-world mass mailing market list coming from anonymous internet users. Same thing happened to which was sued by the Federal Trade Commission after it offers to sell its customer database to the highest bidder.

3. Web Filtering. This simply means blocking access to inappropriate sites such as blocking the kids’ access to porn sites. Some businesses do not block access but block certain types of traffic from the sites. For instance, it may allow access to websites even inappropriate ones but file transfers are prohibited. This is a way to monitor the internet particularly its usage.

4. Who`s Got your Picture. The web unfortunately allows pictures of one person to be copied, downloaded, pasted and used by other users. This is particularly true for actors/actresses, politicians and other famous people. Mike Elgan, a California-based technology writer and editor said "the practice of copying pictures is unbelievably widespread. It probably happens 500 times a second."

Computer technology could lead to loss of control of information. Our life is tracked or can be tracked easily due to quick internet access.

Histories of the Internet and the World Wide Web

The advent of the internet has heralded a new era of communication. The internet has made connectedness an easier, faster, and simpler concept. With the internet it is impossible to feel alienated from the world.

The internet is capable of broadcasting worldwide. Its uses are varied but revolved mainly on communications. Internet can be used to provide information, conduct research or work with others without being physically present.

In August 1962, J.C.R. Licklider of MIT discussed in a series of memos his concept of “Galactic Network” where people could access data and programs from any site. Licklider became the first head of the computer research program at DARPA and later his successors continued his work for networking concept.

At the same time, Leonard Kleinrock at MIT also started his own quest for packets that would be use for communications instead of communications. Kleinrock talked to Lawrence Roberts of the possibility of computer networking using packets. Roberts worked with Thomas Merrill to test on the idea. Using a TX-2 computer in Massachusetts, Roberts used a dial-up telephone line to connect to a Q-32 computer in California. It was the first ever wide-are computer network created. This experiment proved that computers could network and that circuit system could not get the job done, a packet switch would accomplish it better.

1966, Roberts developed the computer network concept further and plan for the "ARPANET”. Donald Davies and Roger Scantlebury of NPL from the UK were also working the on packet network concept around this time. Scantlebury informed Roberts of similar work by Paul Baran and others at RAND. The people at RAND had written a paper pertaining to packet switching networks for secure voice in military way back in 1964. The work at MIT from 1961-1967, RAND from 1962-1965 and at NPL from 1964 to 1967 all proceeded without the researchers knowing about the existence of similar researches. The NPL introduced the word “packet” and ARPANET design changed its line speed from 2.4 kbps to 50 kbps.

In August 1968, Roberts and DARPA had changed the specifications for ARPANET. The project to create the critical component of the Internet called packet switches Interface Message Processors (IMP"s) was awarded to Frank Heart at Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN). While the BBN team created the IMP's with the help of Bob Kahn who made the ARPANET architectural design, Roberts together with Howard Frank and workers at Network Analysis Corporation were working on the topology of the network and economics and Kleinrock and team were working on the network measurement system.

Kleinrock's packet switching theory served as the basis for the first node on the ARPANET. Their collaborative efforts bore fruit in September 1969 when BBN installed the first ever IMP at UCLA where the first host computer was connected. Doug Engelbart's Augmentation of Human Intellect” at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) became the basis for the second node.

A month after SRI was connected to the ARPANET, the first message from computer host to another host was sent by Kleinrock to SRI. Two more nodes were added. The two nodes comprise of an application visualization project developed by Glen Culler and Burton Fried at UCSB to be able to refresh the net, Robert Taylor and Ivan Sutherland at Utah on 3-D use on the net. Towards the end of 1969, four host computers were connected into the ARPANET.

December 1970 when the Network Working Group (NWG) under S. Crocker completed the ARPANET Host-to-Host protocol referred to as the Network Control Protocol (NCP). NCP was implemented from 1971-197 allowing users to develop applications.

October 1972, Kahn made the first public demonstration of the ARPANET in the International Computer Communication Conference (ICCC). The electronic mail or email as it is known today was also introduced in the same year. It was in March 1972 when Ray Tomlinson at BBN created the basic send and read software for emails. July, Roberts improved on the basic functions by adding file, forward and respond features to the email.

Internet Concepts

ARPANET became the internet. Internet basically is made up of multiple independent networks originating with the ARPANET using packet switch. Later, the features grew which include packet satellite networks, ground-based packet radio networks and others. The technical ideas behind the internet is open architecture networking where network technology is not chosen by certain network architecture but selected by a provider and interact with other network through the “internetworking Architecture”.

The open architecture network allows individual networks to developed unique interface offered to users or providers. Each network is intended to fit the user and environment requirements of a particular network.

Kahn first broached the idea of open-architecture networking in 1972 at DARPA. It was supposedly part of the packet radio program but became a separate program later. To make the packet radio system work, an end-to-end protocol that could continue communication even with distractions such as jamming and interference. Kahn decided to create a protocol local to the packet radio network to eliminate the need for various operating systems and allow continuous use of NCP.

The NCP however was not capable of addressing networks further than destination IMP on ARPANET. This demanded that NCP be changed. Kahn made a new protocol that could support open-architecture network environment.

Internet Crime...How does it Affect our society?

The internet is probably the most powerful tool for communication in the 21st century. It has made the world more connected and much smaller. For instance, you can be in another country and still keep in touch with your family 24/7 by virtue of internet.

With advanced internet tools and mechanisms, it is no surprise that some people take advantage of the ease of communication and informal interaction the internet offers. Meeting complete strangers online is so much easier. The thrills of being anonymous lead some people to shed off their shyness and become more adventurous.
Meeting online is certainly different from meeting a person face-to-face. Online chatrooms make the getting to know you process a whole lot easier and faster. If chatting is not your thing then there are plenty of other options for you to meet people like emails, forums, message boards, social networking websites like MySpace and Friendster, blogging and so many others.

The internet, unfortunately, does not only generate positive results. Just as there are advantages for using internet, disadvantages are not far behind. There are things to be wary when using the internet. Like, giving personal details to a complete stranger, meeting people you met online with no chaperones, providing misleading information such as providing the wrong age or posting another person’s picture in the profile.

There are a lot of opportunities to cheat or lie through the internet. Consequently, Internet crime happens. A number of crimes and the perpetrators are getting more and more creative in their approaches.

What exactly is Internet Crime?

Internet crime means is any crime committed on the internet or through the internet. As the internet becomes more sophisticated, so do the crimes.

It is easy to fall prey to internet crimes. The internet crime could be as petty as spam emails or, worst, one that could lead to deaths. It is usual for internet users to have their emails bombarded with spam messages. Forwarded chain-letters could be a culprit. Others send scam letters asking for money or detailing some elaborate schemes. Still others, deliberately infect others’ computers with viruses, use pirated software or steal someone else’s articles or an infringement on intellectual property laws.

There are other internet crimes are grave enough to merit attention. These crimes include phishing, credit card frauds, espionage, child pornography, online stalking, kidnappings and even murder due to online chats and so on.

Internet Crime Schemes

These are but a few of the internet crimes committed regularly online. Internet users must beware if they come across these situations:

Action Fraud

Action fraud is an internet crime that involves misrepresentation of a product being sold online or not delivering the product bought through online sites.

Action Fraud- Romania

Similar operation as action fraud, the main difference is the money is transferred to US banks and routed to Romania or Latvia.

Fake Cashier’s Check

Online sellers are the target of this crime. The buyer would issue a cashier’s check to the seller at an amount much higher than required. The excess supposedly will cover shipping expenses. The seller is then instructed to deposit the excess amount to the seller’s account or back to the buyer often located in Nigeria.
Banks often release the money upon encashment in case of cashier’s check. The seller then sends the money to the buyer. The bank then informs the seller that the check was fake and that he should pay the amount released by the bank.

Credit Card Fraud
Online transactions requiring credit card payments could be harmful if the website is not secured. Credit/Debit card numbers are used to steal money.

Employment/Business Opportunities

A person from US is hired for work-at-home job requiring reselling or reshipping of goods to places outside US.

The employees are then paid through checks from a US companies supposedly creditors of the foreign employer. The amount of check is usually excessive. The employee is instructed to deposit the excess to the employer’s account. Upon clearing,

Debt Elimination

This is a form of identity theft. In this form of crime, a website advertises legal way to pay mortgage or credit card. The con artist then issues bonds and promissory notes to the lender in behalf of the participant. The victim is asked to pay $1,500 to $2,000 plus disclose confidential personal information to the perpetrator. Also, the victim is asked to sign special power of attorney to allow the con man to enter transactions in behalf of the victim.


The latest crime to strike the internet is phishing. Phishing means soliciting by fraudulent emails personal financial information such as bank accounts to get access to the depositor’s money.

Worse Crimes

Internet crime could lead to worse crimes such as kidnapping or death. This often starts off as harmless online chatting then progressed rapidly to something more sinister. There are a number of cases of kidnappings that arise from these chat rooms. Minors often prey to these kidnappings. The modus operandi is someone usually an adult enters chat rooms intended specifically for kids or teenagers. Then he poses as someone younger so he could befriend the kid. As soon as he gets his trust, he would suggest an ‘eyeball’ or slang term for face-to-face meeting. The kid, thinking that he/she was talking to a real kid, would agree to meet this person alone. When the meeting takes place, these kidnappings occur. Kidnapped kids often go through horrors such as being raped or worse, get killed.

That is why it is very important for parents to monitor their kids’ computer use. Also, kids should be duly warned of the dangers of talking to strangers online. Proper precautionary measures should be taken so as to ensure the safety of the kid at all times.


Internet crime statistics are horrifying. For instance “phishing” alone generates at least one billion dollars for the criminals. FBI survey conducted in 2004 revealed that around 90 percent of 500 companies who participated in the survey experienced online security problems leading to financial loss for some 80 percent of them.

In 2003, credit card fraud generated four billion dollars for the swindlers. Fifty percent of the credit card fraud occurred online.

Complaints filed as of 2006 of internet-related crimes reached a staggering number 207, 492. The most reported crime was internet auction fraud which accounted for 45 percent of the total complaints.

Around 75% of the perpetrators of internet crimes are male coming from most populous states in the United States: District of Columbia, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, Maine and Florida.

Prevention of Internet Crimes

Just like any crime, prevention is the best cure. Here are some ways to prevent being victimized by these culprits:

 In auction fraud, it is important to communicate with the seller. As much as possible, do not pay through wire transfers or cash. Check the legitimacy of an escrow service before using them.
 In cases of fake cashier’s check, contact the bank from which the check is drawn to know if it’s real. Take a look at the account number. Fake checks often have account numbers that appear shiny.
 In credit card fraud and identity theft, make sure that the website where you provide your credit card information is secure and trustworthy. Always check your credit card statements to see if there are unauthorized transactions.
 In debt elimination and employment/business opportunities, contact the Better Business Bureau to know if the company you are dealing with is legal. Get the name, address and telephone number of the company.
 Phishing could be prevented if you do not entertain emails that require you to disclose personal information. Contact the business that sent the email to confirm before sending your details.

If you are a victim, report the matter to the police. If your life is in danger, seek the protection of the authorities.

The best way is always to be cautious in dealing business through the internet. Change passwords on a regular basis. Run anti-virus and anti-spyware software regulary too.


The problems brought about by internet to the society are growing. The price we pay for misuse of internet is getting steeper too.

Internet crimes schemes stole millions of dollars from victims every year. The perpetrators are getting more and more creative in their approach thus making the crime more complicated and difficult to stop.

The authorities cannot stop the criminals on their own. The individual internet users must do their share to be able to stop internet crime. It is not only money or properties that are at stake here but also the safety of the lives of our loved ones.

Perhaps, the most serious internet crimes are those involving the safety of our loved ones. It is not unusual to read news stories of kids kidnapped or raped or murdered due to internet.

Kids’ use of the internet particularly chat rooms should be given due attention. Parents must educate their kids of the dangers of meeting strangers online and seeing these chat mates in person. Make sure that your kids don’t keep important information from you such as meeting strangers.

The internet is a very powerful communication tool and the advantages are immense, if used in the right way.