Thursday, June 4, 2009

Impact of Computer Technology

Computer technology was virtually unknown years ago. Yet, in so short a span of time, it has managed to change our lives and the way we live. Life before the computer was slow, time-consuming and limited. With the computer technology, the opportunities for personal and professional improvement are limitless. Internet has transformed the way 21st century people communicate and consequently, the way we live.

The internet is probably the most important innovation in the field of communication. It affected not only how we communicate but also in conducting our day-to-day affairs. It offers various services and resources literally at the tip of our fingertips.

1. Communication. Internet, being first and foremost, a tool of communication has certainly made contact with others easier and faster. Communication is done through emails, instant messaging or voice over internet protocol which allows one to actually call the person.
2. Faster access to information. One click of the mouse and all sorts of information come out using the search engine. We can access weather forecasts, news and celebrity gossips in seconds online.
3. Business Transactions. Transacting business online like paying bills, depositing cash, checking credit card balance, etc. Bank statements can be accessed online too.
4. Shopping. Shopping online is the usual mode of buying now. All kinds of products and stores are available online. Travel time to get to the supermarket is effectively eliminated. Shopping can be done entirely at the convenience of home.
5. Research Tool. Surf for information or to research online. Assignments, thesis, book reviews – all kinds of research information you need are available through the internet.
6. Education. One can take virtual college classes. There is no need to travel to school, be in the classroom, participate in discussions, etc.
7. Recreation. Downloading movies or music or even games through the internet is fast becoming the form of recreation these days. Some of these are available for free.
8. Meeting People. We can meet people from all parts of the world and all walks of life through the internet. You can chat to someone from another part of the world without having to leave your room. The webcam and voip (voice over internet protocol) could enable you to actually see and hear the person you are chatting to.

Computer technology has its advantages and disadvantages depending on its use. The following are some activities done using computer technology:

1. Invasion of Privacy. Computer technology came about as an open research tool. Thus, it is understandable that privacy was never its original intention. This is ironic because computer technology particularly the net actually offers a lot of anonymity. Most of the users say or do something that they will not really do or say in the real world. This is because the net allows individuals to be more adventurous and courageous being unable to talk to the person face to face.

Problems arise when it comes to online privacy when acts of crimes are committed. For instance, a hacker posted thousands of credit card numbers stolen from a website. He offered to share the information for only $1.

2. Invisible Information Gathering

This is another disadvantage to computer technology which is seen as a form of invasion to privacy. An example of invisible information gathering is web companies collecting data for marketing purposes. Complaints about abuse of information are not really that rampant but the fear comes from the misuse or carelessness in handling personal data which could lead to privacy invasion.

Microsoft and Intel were forced to avoid using features that would track their customers. RealNetWorks, a maker of video software, was accused of commanding its programs to phone home then reports on users’ habits of surfing to them. Mattel Interactive embedded phone home software “Broadcast” in Reader Rabbit software. Surf Monkey which prevents children from accessing porn sites also forwards the IP addresses of users to its maker.

DoubleClick Inc. tracks users anonymously. They were sued because it planned to reveal web users’ identities to compete in real-world mass mailing market list coming from anonymous internet users. Same thing happened to which was sued by the Federal Trade Commission after it offers to sell its customer database to the highest bidder.

3. Web Filtering. This simply means blocking access to inappropriate sites such as blocking the kids’ access to porn sites. Some businesses do not block access but block certain types of traffic from the sites. For instance, it may allow access to websites even inappropriate ones but file transfers are prohibited. This is a way to monitor the internet particularly its usage.

4. Who`s Got your Picture. The web unfortunately allows pictures of one person to be copied, downloaded, pasted and used by other users. This is particularly true for actors/actresses, politicians and other famous people. Mike Elgan, a California-based technology writer and editor said "the practice of copying pictures is unbelievably widespread. It probably happens 500 times a second."

Computer technology could lead to loss of control of information. Our life is tracked or can be tracked easily due to quick internet access.

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