Saturday, March 5, 2016

Yoga and Metaphysical Faith

Yoga is based on faith. Knowing its metaphysical foundations lets one appreciate it all the more.

The modern practice of yoga usually comprises of elements customarily derived from Hinduism.  These elements include the following:   moral and ethical principles, postures that will make the body healthy, spiritual philosophy, use of guru in giving instructions, mantra chanting, breathing quietly and meditation to achieve calmness of mind.  These elements are used to be able to facilitate the needs of non-Hindu practitioners.

Different traditions used yoga for a variety of purposes.  In Hinduism, yoga is intended as a group pf practices that will enable people to attain closer ties with god or union with god.  In, Buddhism, yoga is not meant to foster god-centered relationship but to gain more wisdom, compassion and insight.

In Hindu yoga the terms Self-Realization and God-Realization are often synonymous.  This is so because the attainment of self-realization often leads to attaining god-like nature or characteristics.

Yoga is meant to arrive at the ultimate goal of achieving freedom Moksha from sufferings the world wrought and to stop the cycle of birth and death or Samsara.  Yoga requires mastery over body, mind, emotional self and the overcoming worldly desires. Through yoga we attain knowledge of what is real and true.

The Yogi or the practitioner of yoga must reach a state of enlightenment where thought stops and one experiences perfect union of the person's soul or the Atman with the highest Reality or Brahman as preached in the Vedanta philosophy; or with a particular god or goddess as advocated by Hinduism and some types of Buddhism.  Enlightenment also pertains to the disappearance of the limited ego and the direct and permanent insight of the oneness of the universe.

An average person not in the state of enlightenment, yoga aids the person in attaining spiritual awareness or nurturing spiritual qualities such as compassion and insight.  Yoga is often associated with Hinduism but adherents to yoga believe that it is not a religion but delineates the applicable steps which can help people irregardless of religion.

The metaphysical foundations of Yoga are necessary components in the actual practice of Yoga. A person who embarks on the practice of yoga and does not equip himself with the knowledge on its philosophical basis would end up merely acting out a routine. He is similar to a machine, doing things mechanically assuming that he or she is doing yoga.  The attainment and truth should be at the heart of every yoga practice.

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